The Devil will tell your mind a lie and have your mind believing it
I like many others used to listen to the Devil and all his lies. I mean he would tell me that I'm not worthy,I am not worthy of God's love and that I would stay in the same place forever and because I believed him whenever I felt God's presence and have him show me his love, I would often wonder " Why me??" "Why would God care to come near me??" " what is it about me that he loves so much " I honestly didn't get it But see the problem was that I was placing God in a box and kept on feeding on the devil's lies.I thought "oh well God is too much of a good and clean God to wanna be around me" Listen for the longest of Time ,I told myself that I would never see heaven, I will never get to experience his full glory. But see that's what happens when you decide to listen to the devil ( Yes listening to the Devil is a choice, Paying attention to his lies is choosing to listen to him).but God has put this message in My heart ...